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Secondary Teaching for Mastery - Embedding Year Support
Enhanced support for maths departments in their second year of introducing teaching for mastery

Who can take part?

Participation is for maths departments in schools that took part in a Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Group in 2023/24. Lead participants will ideally be the Mastery Advocates who participated in 2023/24 Work Groups.


What is involved?

Secondary Teaching for Mastery Embedding Year Support is available for those departments who participated in the previous year’s Secondary Teaching for Mastery Development Work Group, and who are beginning to embed their work on teaching for mastery. Mastery Advocates (designated previously in the Development Work Group) will work closely with an assigned Mastery Specialist to help them embed teaching for mastery approaches across the whole department. Specialists will provide three days of bespoke support tailored to each school.


The focus will be on constructing or refining a coherent development plan and supporting and leading the whole department in realising the aims of that development plan. The school will also be part of a Secondary Teaching for Mastery Embedding and Sustaining Work Group with other schools.


What will you learn?

  • Your students will develop a deep, secure and connected understanding of the maths they are learning

  • You will begin to develop teaching for mastery approaches across your department

  • You and your department will collaborate to create coherent curriculums in a culture of professional learning

  • You will produce a development plan and professional development programme for the department


What is the cost?

The Secondary Teaching for Mastery – Embedding Year Support project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating schools.


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