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Strengthening Partnerships with ITT Providers

A professional learning community for ITT providers and Maths Hub leadership

Who can take part?

Lead participants in this programme will be from the ITT community; they should be directly involved in ITT with a responsibility for maths. They will represent the various ITT providers across the hub region so may include HEI, SCITT and School Direct, and represent different phases of ITT including EYTS, QTS (primary and secondary), and post-16.


What is involved?

This project aims to form an established group of ITT representatives across the sector who are committed to developing communities of practice in order to review and evolve their provision.

Any work undertaken will be in conjunction with the leaders of maths provision in ITT institutions, to strengthen the partnership and agree actions that will support the deepening of understanding of teaching for mastery for ITT trainees at an award level. Activity may include working across hub boundaries and collaborating in larger regions.

This project provides a community which enables ITT providers to work together to develop their specialist knowledge for teaching maths provision, with a focus on teaching for mastery. 

The theme for this year is:

Mentor: developing the subject-specific expertise of mentors to support trainees in mastery-related maths learning and teaching.


What will you learn?

  • You and those responsible for maths provision at your institution will review your practice and programme

  • You will aim to ensure trainees have some understanding of designing lessons informed by mastery principles

  • Maths Hub leaders will have a dynamic awareness of the local ITT provision and its school-based partnerships

  • Maths Hubs leaders will create opportunity for collaboration and discussion across ITT providers, and use it to inform hub work


What is the cost?

The Strengthening Partnerships with ITT Providers project is fully funded by the Maths Hubs Programme so is free to participating institutions.

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